Art Deco Furniture

How to Incorporate Art Deco Into a Modern Home

Incorporating art deco in a modern home is actually not as hard as one might think. The trends in modern interior décor have once again adopted a lot of elements from the style that came into a crescendo of popularity roughly a hundred years ago.

How to Incorporate Art Deco Into a Modern Home

One might even be tempted to say that the sharp lines and the geometrical shapes are actually more at home in a modern setting than it was back in the day. Somehow the precise nature of art deco, in general, reminds us about the future more than it reminds us of the past, and the following few guidelines should be able to help you incorporate the century-old style with immaculate perfection into the modern theme of your home.

Buy a Wall Clock Made in the Art Deco Theme

The good old wall clock is an excellent way to welcome the art deco style in your home. All you need to do is choose a wall clock designed in the art deco theme from the large selection of wall clocks on OhClocks, and hang one in your living room or bedroom.

Retro Paris Blue Square Wall Clock | Art Deco DistressedIt doesn’t matter if the clock matches anything else in the room at all because that’s actually a good thing. The wall clock will act as the accent piece inside the space and draw attention to itself. In general, though, the modern wall clock designs that favour sharp angles in architecture and furniture will be well suited to the geometric preciseness of your wall clock.

Hang a Piece of Art in the Style

Another minimum hassle method to incorporate art deco in any home is to simply hang a piece of art created by the artist in the art deco style.

It doesn’t have to be just a single piece because you can hang more than one in the living room, for instance. Aside from a wall hanging piece, also get a large print with a beautiful frame that you can stand on the floor and lean it on the wall.

Hang a Piece of Art in the Style

In case you are buying art for your bedroom, make sure that the bold, bright colours and the theme is soothing because art deco can affect the mood in any room, and often more than people realize.

Just like with the clock, nothing has to match the print, and you can even use accent lighting to highlight your favourite pieces.

Get an Art Deco Sculpture to Accompany Your Art

Now, if you are not acquainted with the art deco sculptures, you might be taken by surprise given that they vary quite widely from the geometric nature of the general architecture and designs. Even the art itself is quite different and a lot more colourful than art deco statues and other sculptures. The Egyptians were the first to incorporate art deco in their own sculptures, art, jewellery, and much more, so you will often see the two being moulded together to represent each other in sculpture.

An art deco sculpture would be a great way to compliment that painting and wall clock you have hanging in your living room! These sculptures look more like art and less like geometric shapes but once again, there is an element of futuristic design in the style of sculpting as well. That bronze jaguar is just perfect and looks almost mechanical, while the classic Icarus statue has wings that are just so perfect, it looks almost machine made.

Choose your sculpture wisely and make sure that it represents something about you, or it is a piece of art that’s somehow related to you.

Curtains in Art Deco

Curtains in Art Deco

Curtains in art deco style are not as expensive as having to remodel the entire home with this new trend, but they are going to be a bit expensive nonetheless, especially if they are any good. However, when you have large windows and doors to hang curtains on, they can play a huge role in bringing in the theme, without interfering with the core architecture.

Art Deco Furniture

If there was one thing on this list aside from the wall clocks that represents art deco with perfection, without actually being pure art, it would be the furniture. The number of options you have here are quite astounding and they all look gorgeous in most themes. Even when a dressing table or a couch designed in art deco looks strikingly different in a modern living room, it’s for all the right reasons.

Art Deco Furniture

We are all living in the age of digital revolution and in many ways, the futuristic and scientific theme in art deco can be thought of as a way to remind us of that fact. It is of little surprise that the artistic style is popular again in 2019, which is indeed the future when you look at it from the perspective of the people that developed art deco back in the 1920s.

One can argue that the bright colors are not really futuristic and more retro than anything else, but that’s the thing about the style which a lot of people do not understand. There are variations in art deco and they can be categorised under two primary sections. One calls for geometric shapes, angles, and symmetry, while the other calls for vibrancy and colour. Somehow, in 2019, our objective is to combine them both and add our own little touches to create the perfect modern home with amazing art deco influences.

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