
Top 12 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Spring

With springtime right around the corner, you’re no doubt itching to ready your home for the warmer months as soon as possible. Whether this is your very first spring in your new home or you’ve got a bit of extra time on your hands and you’re looking to use it as wisely as possible, preparing your home for the bright springtime ahead can be easy, fun, and rewarding.

Of course, every home has different needs and requirements, and the beauty of being a homeowner is that you can choose your priorities. Whether you’re more the gardening type or the type to get a head-start on spring cleaning, there are so many ways you can make everything perfect for you and your family this season.

Here are just a few of the ways you can prepare your home for spring.

  1. Clean Your Gutters

For many areas, springtime is the rainy season. If by the end of fall your gutters were filled with leaves and debris and you perhaps haven’t gotten around to the cleaning process yet, spring is the perfect time to get a move on it.

While you can call a professional to take care of the gutters, you can also clean them yourself with the right equipment. Once you take care of this job at the beginning of the season, the rest should be smooth sailing.

  1. Check Your Screens

Springtime is unfortunately the time for all kinds of crawling and flying critters to make their way into homes just like yours. That said, it’s a good idea to inspect your screens on any windows and doors in case holes have formed since your last warm season.

If they have, you can do a few quick repairs to keep bugs out while you enjoy a bit of fresh air.

  1. Plant Flowers

If you’re looking for that unmistakable spring vibe, planting flowers outside is a great way to make your landscaping as beautiful as you imagine. Planting flowers early in the season is a great way to ensure they’ll bloom when it warms up — specifically, planting already-grown flowers just shy of blooming can be exactly what you need.

  1. Vegetable Garden

Similar to planking flowers early in the season, there are so many vegetables that grow magnificently when planted in the spring. Broccoli, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, leafy greens and English peas all grow at their best when you plant and care for them in the spring.

If you haven’t cultivated vegetables before or you’re looking to try it out, springtime can be the perfect season to start.

  1. Replace Your Sump Pump

A sump pump is a basement waterproofing system that prevents water damage. Every once in a while, this system needs repair or replacement.

While you can get it taken care of whenever you notice it’s in need of repair, springtime can be a more comfortable time to do so. Specifically, if you notice strange noises or it’s constantly running, you might be in need of a new one.

  1. Clean Faucets and Showerheads

If you’re embarking on some spring cleaning, getting the gunk out of your faucets and showerheads is a quick job that can make your home feel much cleaner. Use some of that newfound energy to really get in there and scrub away any gunk to kick off your spring cleaning.

  1. Wash Your Windows

Washing windows can be hard in the cold, especially if the primary marks and grime are from the outside. Since springtime brings warmer temperatures, you can use this time to wash your windows — so they can look clean and neat when you open them throughout the season.

  1. Bring In Brighter Lighting

The spring season often brings in the light and the bright, and that should be true for your lamps and lighting fixtures, too.

If you’ve been thinking about replacing some of your lighting with fixtures and bulbs that are a bit brighter and lighter, spring could be the perfect time to do it. Plus, with all the natural lighting, things should blend perfectly!

  1. Swap Heavy Bedding

When it comes to the bedroom, nobody wants to drown in a sea of heavy comforters and blankets from the springtime into the summer months. That’s why early springtime is the perfect time to switch out your heavy winter bedding for something a bit lighter.

If you don’t yet have spring bedding, this year could be the year to get some.

  1. Get House Plants

If you’ve already got plants outside, why not bring some inside for a bit of natural inspiration this season?

House plants are great decor, and they can improve your mood and air quality. Whether you’re already a total plant parent or you’ve never had a house plant before, springtime is the perfect time to introduce one — or a few — into your home.

  1. Deep Clean

Spring cleaning is a universal concept, and if you’re preparing your home for the spring, you may want to devote some of your energy to cleaning all the tiny spaces, nooks, and crannies you haven’t had the energy to get to throughout the year.

Places like the garage, the deck, and even the back of your closet are all up for a bit of cleaning. You’ll likely thank yourself later for it.

  1. Change Your HVAC Filter

Air quality is critical both outside and inside your home. That said, there’s a good chance your HVAC filter has built up quite a bit of muck over the past year — or years, if you haven’t cleaned it in a while. Therefore, replacing the filter can be a quick, easy part of your spring cleaning routine.

Preparing Your Home for Spring

Spring is a lovely time of year for you and your home. And while you might not know exactly where to get started with your home preparations, there are so many options.

Whether you choose to start a vegetable garden or give your windows a thorough wash — or both — the care and consideration you put into your home will always shine through season after season.


Rose Morrison is the managing editor of Renovated and a home improvement writer. Check out more of her work on Twitter

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