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Fine Home Lighting and/or Fine Home Lamps does not itself warranty the products offered for the sale on the website. However, all lighting products are warranted by the manufacturer to be free from defects. Contact us for further information on a specific manufacturer’s warranty.
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Fine Home Lighting and/or Fine Home Lamps attempts to ensure that the content on the website is complete and correct. Fine Home Lighting and/or Fine Home Lamps does not guarantee that information contained on this website will not contain errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Fine Home Lighting and/or Fine Home Lamps reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions or to change or update the content without prior notice to the customer. Further, Fine Home Lighting and/or Fine Home Lamps reserves the right to refuse or cancel any orders containing any error, inaccuracy, or omission, whether or not the order has been submitted, confirmed, and/or customer’s credit card has been charged.
Onsite Abandonment
The personally identifiable information that you provide to us and information about your order may be combined with other personally identifiable information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. We also use Pixel Tags to collect additional information regarding your browsing experience. This information will be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient and to provide you with a more relevant and timely brand and shopping experience. This information may also be shared with our third party service providers that assist us with our marketing efforts and with other marketers whose products or services we feel may be of interest to you. If you prefer that we do not share your name and address with other marketers, please email us at [email protected].